Estrella facilitates inspiring and engaging workshop experiences, customized for your group or event’s unique needs.


Workshops can be customized as a one-time event or as part of a series.

Specialized workshop topics include:

Cultivating Resilience: Breath, Body, and Mind

Learn strategies to effectively manage stress, enhance overall well-being, prioritize self-care, and enhance personal sustainability. Come to a deeper understanding of your habits around stress and how you can shift them through practices engaging breath, movement, and mindfulness.

The Inner Work of Equity and Justice

Oppressive systems live in our minds, the body, and the nervous system, not just in our institutions. This workshop will guide participants to explore the ways we embody systems of oppression and how to begin the inner work of shedding that programming so we can start to embody liberation.

Emotional Intelligence for Well-Being and Empowerment 

Explore how to build the critical skill of emotional intelligence to recognize and manage your emotions, empathize with others, and navigate relationships and social dynamics. Strengthening your emotional intelligence can improve all your relationships–including your relationship with yourself–and help you thrive in all areas of your life.

Revolutionary Self-Compassion

Discover the transformative power of Revolutionary Self-Compassion in this empowering workshop designed for women of color. Explore how self-compassion is the anecdote to internalized oppression. Learn how self-compassion practices can liberate you from your critical inner voice, reduce stress in your body, and reclaim your creative energy.

It’s time to embody your power.

It’s time to embody your power.

Ready to empower your group with a transformative workshop or series?

Schedule your free consultation call now!