
Schedule a Call

Take the first step toward creating the change you want to see! Schedule a call to learn more about how I can support you or your organization and explore if we’re a good fit to work together.

  • The call will last for 30 minutes.

  • During the call, we’ll discuss your goals for coaching, whether it's for you as an individual or for your organization. We'll explore what you aim to accomplish, why you feel now is the right time, and what’s important to you in a coach. We’ll also cover how the coaching process works, my approach and style as a coach, and what to expect moving forward. This is a great opportunity for us to get to know each other and determine if we’re a good fit to work together.

  • There is no preparation required for the call. However, it may be helpful to reflect on your (or your organization’s) challenges and goals, how you’d like to grow, and what you hope to achieve through coaching. Feel free to bring any questions you have.

  • The call is completely free and there is no cost involved.

Get in Touch

For general questions, fill out the form below.