Personalized individual R.I.S.E. Coaching focused on the unique needs of women of color. Grow and transform in leadership and life.


Through 1:1 coaching Estrella provides a supportive and empowering space to nurture personal and professional growth.

Her signature coaching framework, R.I.S.E., weaves together the crucial elements of Reflection, Insight, Self-compassion, and Emotional Intelligence, creating a holistic and healing approach to leadership development.

This approach ensures you are supported in every aspect of your journey, helping you to become a more effective, compassionate, and empowered leader.

R.I.S.E. coaching will support you to:

Recognize your worth and value

Prioritize and communicate your needs

Set healthy boundaries

Develop stress management techniques

Create a balanced life to include rest and joy

Activate authentic self-expression

Develop effective communication skills

Build confidence to share your unique perspective

Explore and align with your purpose

Turn challenges into opportunities for growth

Contribute meaningfully to discussions and decision-making

Express yourself clearly and assertively

Navigate and resolve conflicts constructively

Pursue meaningful and fulfilling work

Align actions with your core values

Identify and nurture your unique talents and strengths

Maximize your impact and influence

Practice of self-care and self-compassion

Integrate mindfulness practices that promote harmony and flow

R.I.S.E Coaching Cycle


In our time together we will hold space for objective self-reflection to get a clear assessment of where you are in life and in your leadership journey. How are you using your energy and resources? What’s working and what isn’t? Where do you need to make changes? In this step we are taking stock, finding direction, adjusting course, and getting clear on where you are and where you are going.


Finding meaningful direction for your growth requires tapping into a deeper intelligence and guidance (body wisdom, intuition, inner knowing, spiritual connection). This insight will help you create a vision for personal and professional growth that is in alignment with your values, purpose, and desires.


Quieting your inner critic and cultivating a more compassionate inner dialogue is an essential part of embodying and harnessing your power to create the change you want to see. As women of color, that critical inner dialog can be intensified by internalized oppression. Self-compassion is a superpower that is necessary to move toward self-actualization and liberation.

Emotional Intelligence:

Working through the four domains of emotional intelligence (self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, and relationship management)– offers powerful tools for personal and professional growth and expansion, improving relationships both with yourself and with others, moving you toward your life’s goals and strengthening your effectiveness as a leader.

What clients have to say...