The person you are right now has taken you as far as you’re going to go. In order to go further or do something greater, you will need to become a better version of yourself.

Estrella is a transformational executive coach committed to supporting women leaders of color to embody their power and reach their highest potential through emotionally intelligent leadership.

She guides clients through transforming limiting beliefs, thoughts, and emotional patterns while building resilience. Estrella applies an emotional intelligence lens to open up new possibilities for change in people and the systems they work within, guiding leaders in decolonizing mindsets and doing the inner work of equity, justice, and liberation.

Her signature coaching framework–R.I.S.E.–combines the elements of Reflection, Insight, Self-Compassion, and Emotional Intelligence.

Clients have described Estrella as a magical space holder.

With a warm, gentle, and intuitive presence, Estrella creates an environment where clients feel held in a compassionate and nonjudgmental space.

Her coaching style reflects her dedication to truly understanding and uplifting those she works with, making every interaction feel deeply supportive while also challenging clients to grow. As your coach, Estrella is by your side, supporting, encouraging, and championing you at every step.

Estrella has a BA and a MEd from UCLA. She holds an ACC credential through the International Coaching Federation and has received certification and training through the Daniel Goleman Emotional Intelligence Coaching Program, HeartMath, the Mindful Leaders Project, and the National Equity Project and has a certificate in Embodied Social Justice.

Estrella is also the co-founder of Rooted ei which works with organizations to utilize emotional intelligence to do the work of equity, belonging, and anti-racism.

Estrella is a Leadership Coach and Mentor Coach with the Noble Story Group and is a faculty member for the Emotional Intelligence Coaching Certification program with Beyond EI where she teaches on coaching with cultural humility and the role of identity in coaching.

Estrella finds peace in the chaos by spending time in nature.

She loves hiking, birdwatching, waterfalls, beaches, and hugging trees. Other practices that help her find balance are yoga, pilates, breathwork, meditation, and listening to music. She is an active church member, serving on her church’s leadership council. Estrella is the proud momma of two adult kids–daughter, Zoe and son, Jameel.

R.I.S.E. Through 1:1 Coaching

R.I.S.E. Through 1:1 Coaching


In her signature coaching framework R.I.S.E. Estrella utilizes four key elements: Reflection, Insight, Self-Compassion, and Emotional Intelligence to guide clients to new insights, awareness, connection, and inner conflict resolution. 

This coaching framework is designed to address the unique challenges women of color face in leadership, namely the impact of systems of oppression–systemic barriers, discrimination, microaggressions as well as internalized mindsets, beliefs, and automatic patterns.

The R.I.S.E. cycle establishes direction and intention while practicing strategies and tools for you to implement in real-time.


In our time together we will hold space for objective self-reflection to get a clear assessment of where you are in life and in your leadership journey. How are you using your energy and resources? What’s working and what isn’t? Where do you need to make changes? In this step we are taking stock, finding direction, adjusting course, and getting clear on where you are and where you are going.


Finding meaningful direction for your growth requires tapping into a deeper intelligence and guidance (body wisdom, intuition, inner knowing, spiritual connection). This insight will help you create a vision for personal and professional growth that is in alignment with your values, purpose, and desires.


Quieting your inner critic and cultivating a more compassionate inner dialogue is an essential part of embodying and harnessing your power to create the change you want to see. As women of color, that critical inner dialog can be intensified by internalized oppression. Self-compassion is a superpower that is necessary to move toward self-actualization and liberation.

Emotional Intelligence:

Working through the four domains of emotional intelligence (self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, and relationship management)–offers powerful tools for personal and professional growth and expansion, improving relationships both with yourself and with others, moving you toward your life’s goals and strengthening your effectiveness as a leader.

Move away from what is holding you back, and move toward your most empowered self.

It’s time to R.I.S.E.

It’s time to R.I.S.E.

Move Away From…

  • Overworking and overfunctioning

  • Feeling stressed, overwhelmed, and burned out

  • Self-sacrifice

  • Dimming your power and/or light

  • Indirect or passive-aggressive communication

  • Conflict avoidance

  • Challenged by difficult personalities

  • Self-sabotage

  • Feeling stuck or conflicted internally

  • Lack of clarity about purpose and direction

  • Work that doesn’t feel meaningful

  • Self-limiting thoughts, beliefs, and mindsets

Move Towards…

  • Setting boundaries and advocating for your needs

  • Feeling calm and peaceful in your body

  • Prioritizing rest, joy, and, self-expression

  • Finding life balance and flow

  • Confidently asserting your beliefs, thoughts, & ideas

  • Communicating clearly and directly

  • Skillfully embracing conflict

  • Handling difficult people with grace and poise

  • Answering the call to purposeful work

  • Alignment with your values

  • Cultivating your gifts

  • Treating yourself with kindness, compassion, & care

Resonating more with the list on the left?

Schedule a call so we can talk about how to move you to the right!