What Clients are Saying

School Founder and Administrator

Transformative…Estrella is kind, patient, clear, and a true thought partner.

I've been working with Estrella for 2 years, and my time with her has been transformative. A major area of focus has been leading out of a place of deep centeredness so that I am as steady on the inside as I appear on the outside. If I'm trying to build and lead a community where safety, care, and connection are paramount, I must first treat myself that way. I am creating small habits to regulate & take care of myself; interrupting negative self-talk earlier in the process, and asking for help more often. I am also learning to trust myself, my experience, and my gut to advocate for myself with clarity & authenticity. Estrella is kind, patient, clear, and a true thought partner. I value her presence and her expertise tremendously.

Gabriela Alcalde, MPH, DrPH
CEO of Philanthropic Foundation

Working with Estrella has been revelatory for me.

Working with Estrella has been revelatory for me. I have always considered myself and worked towards being a self-aware person, but the work we did with the Emotional Intelligence framework delved deeper than I ever had in an intentional and supported way. This is the first time I have felt this type of work consider and acknowledge my context as a woman of color leader. I cannot emphasize enough how affirming it has been to work with someone who recognizes, acknowledges, and understands the realities in which I exist in the world. I see and feel real growth in areas of myself that open up more authentic ways of leading and showing up for myself and others. Our sessions have helped me recognize some root thought patterns and reactions. Confronting these has helped me develop and assert healthier boundaries at work and in my life.

Rev. Dr. Lacette Cross
Nonprofit Executive Director and Business Owner

Estrella helped me see and name my power.

Estrella's ability to craft probing questions, provide listening and reframing along with this gift to graciously and compassionately push-pull you to the place you need to be for yourself was divinely sublime. Estrella helped me see and name my power, mirrored back to me my fears with loving compassion, and prescribed tools tailored to my unique personality and circumstances. I would not have been able to embody my power personally and spiritually were it not for my sessions with Estrella. My work with her will remain a defining moment in my becoming the best person I believe God/Divine/Spirit/Ancestors created, called, and purposed me to be in the world.

Estrella understood how racism and sexism weigh heavily on Black women.

I convinced myself that being superwoman was enough to mask the trauma that being on the frontlines for justice and serving in the seat of white supremacy brought into my life. Eventually, it took its toll on me, and I told my friends it was time for me to talk to a professional. Into my life walked Estrella who understood how racism and sexism weigh heavily on Black women. Together, we spent months creating a plan for me to manage life’s demands, to center my mental health and well-being, and to keep going in ways that work best for me as a public servant. Because of Estrella's help, I can continue answering the call to serve.

Former Elected Official/Community Leader

Estrella has a way of making you feel seen and heard but with no permission to be complacent.

I was looking for advanced training on emotional intelligence and its intersection with race, equity, and justice; Estrella guided me to understand more of myself than I could’ve anticipated. Estrella was gentle but clear, giving me space to consider and wonder. I re-imagined personal ownership to participate in the solutions/new culture building. Estrella has a way of making you feel seen and heard but with no permission to be complacent. I am grateful for the profound, yet intensely uncomfortable (but needed), embodied understanding of race, equity, and justice.

Jess Hoeper
Consultant/Trainer/Social Worker

Monica Black
Liberatory Educator

This is one of the best investments I’ve ever made!

I'm in an extreme state of gratitude for the progress I've made with Estrella's coaching. As an immigrant to this country whose bouts with imposter syndrome have been a barrier to standing in my power, I have taken on the work of unlearning and reframing the internalized messages of marginalization. Through an empathetic ear and probing & powerful questioning, Estrella has helped me further clarify the unproductive messages I've been telling myself for years. With her assistance, I have shifted my perspective of my choices and results to an assets-based mindset and I am re-writing my story to one that demonstrates my true potential. I now take a seat at the table and in the act of doing so, invite other women of color to do the same. I look forward to continued sessions with my coach. This is one of the best investments I've ever made!

I don’t have to explain, she just gets it.

Having Estrella as my coach has had a tremendous impact on me personally and professionally. I’ve become a much better leader, a much better teammate, and a much better father and husband. The skill sets we have worked on developing are applicable across all areas of my life. I feel more intentional, more organized, and more thoughtful in the way I approach things. I don’t think I would be prepared to be in the leadership role I’m in – without Estrella’s guidance and support. Estrella’s warm spirit and calm demeanor immediately put me at ease. I appreciate her understanding of the challenges I face as a leader of color– I don’t have to explain, she just gets it. Coaching with Estrella has become an indispensable part of my commitment to being a better leader and a better person.

Dave Lewis
Corporate CEO

This experience has been transformative…

When I first sought coaching, I was eager to prepare for promotional opportunities at my current workplace but felt underprepared. Estrella's invaluable coaching gave me the confidence to pursue these opportunities. Estrella's coaching style is gentle yet direct, a balance that allows me to feel supported while staying focused on my growth. Through her guidance, I not only honed my leadership skills but also discovered my unique leadership style. I learned how to connect meaningfully with a diverse team and the insights I gained extended beyond professional growth; they fostered a deeper understanding of myself both as a leader and as a person. This experience has been transformative, equipping me with the tools and confidence to embrace future challenges with clarity and purpose.

Higher Education Director