Cultivating Equity, Belonging, and Antiracism through Emotional Intelligence


What is Rooted ei?

Rooted ei provides a unique approach to equity, antiracism, and belonging work by rooting in the four domains of emotional intelligence (ei): self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, and relationship management (Goleman, 1995).

We equip people and organizations with the adaptive skills they need to advance equity and antiracism in their personal and professional lives.

Rooted ei Facilitators

Rooted ei’s designers and facilitators, Estrella Dawson and Gianna Cassetta,  are International Coaching Federation and Goleman ei-certified coaches. We work with clients to apply an emotional intelligence lens to equity to open up new possibilities for change in people and the systems they work within.

Estrella Dawson

Gianna Cassetta

What does Rooted ei offer?

Rooted ei partners with mission-driven organizations to facilitate interactive learning experiences that encourage self-reflection, meaningful dialogue, and actionable insights.

These experiences include:

Workshop Series to equip people with adaptive skills necessary to advance equity.

Affinity Groups to create interactions and transformational opportunities for learning and deeper authenticity, vulnerability, and minimizing harm.

1:1 and Team Coaching to support clients in advancing equity insights into actions.

Intercultural Development Inventory (IDI) to assess individual and group intercultural competence.

360 Assessments to provide leaders with equity and antiracism-focused feedback.

What are clients saying?

“By fostering an atmosphere of belonging and empathy, Gianna and Estrella set the stage for the deeper, more meaningful conversations that followed.”

—Nonprofit Executive Director

Estrella and Gianna’s approach to weaving highly practical examples and thought-provoking case studies into our learning experience has been truly remarkable.”

—Board Chair, Charter School Network