Leadership development, enhanced team dynamics, increased trust, and cultivating a greater sense of belonging.


Are you an executive leader wanting…

To lead more effectively or make a change in your organizational culture?  

A stronger team dynamic for your organization that exemplifies healthy communication and emotional intelligence?

Support and guidance to resolve an interpersonal conflict within the workplace?

I can help, let’s work together!

1:1 Executive and Leadership Coaching

1:1 executive coaching for women of color leaders is a personalized and transformative process designed to support their unique experiences, challenges, aspirations, and leadership roles. The executive coaching engagement utilizes Estrella’s signature R.I.S.E. framework, providing a holistic and empowering approach to leadership development. This tailored coaching approach not only benefits the development of leaders but also contributes to an improved organizational culture.

Restorative Mediation Coaching

Through a series of facilitated dialogues and 1:1 coaching, team members or colleagues are guided to resolve conflicts in a constructive and empathetic manner. Participants are encouraged to listen actively and empathetically to understand each other’s perspectives and create agreements on how to move forward in their working relationship. This approach addresses immediate issues, improves team dynamics, and builds a foundation for better communication, collaboration, and a positive organizational culture.

Partner and Team Coaching

Team and partner coaching provides a structured approach to enhancing team dynamics and performance. Focusing on both individual and collective growth through emotional intelligence fosters a more cohesive, productive, and engaged team, ultimately driving organizational success. The process includes an initial assessment and goal setting, followed by a mix of individual and group sessions to promote personal and collective development and skill building. Participants will work toward building a more positive organizational culture characterized by better communication, enhanced collaboration, and increased trust.

It’s time to embody your power.

It’s time to R.I.S.E.

It’s time to embody your power. It’s time to R.I.S.E.

Schedule your free consultation call now!